Alcadon Group has decided on a directed non-cash issue of 987,694 shares as part of the payment for the acquisition of UK-based Networks Centre Holding Company Ltd and its subsidiaries in the UK [...]
Alcadon Group har beslutat om en riktad apportemission om 987.694 aktier som en del av betalningen för förvärvet av brittiska Networks Centre Holding Company Ltd och dess dotterbolag i [...]
Alcadon Group AB ("Alcadon") has entered into a binding agreement to acquire all the shares in the UK company Networks Centre Holding Company Ltd and its subsidiaries (“NWC”), a professional [...]
Alcadon Group AB (”Alcadon”) har ingått bindande avtal om förvärv av samtliga aktier i det brittiska bolaget Networks Centre Holding Company Ltd och dess dotterbolag (”NWC”), en professionell [...]