Senior executives and other employees subscribe for warrants

Based on the AGM's decision to issue warrants ("W") 2024/2027, within the framework of an incentive programme for employees in Alcadon Group, 13 employees have today fully subscribed for warrants based on the Board's allocation decision. Senior executives have subscribed for 30,000 warrants and other employees have subscribed for 44,000 warrants.

Decided by the General Meeting Final allotment and subscription
Category Maximum number of W per category (excluding over-allotments) Maximum number of W per Participant (excluding over-allotment) Category Allocated and subscribed W
Chief Executive Officer 15,700 W Chief Executive Officer No allocation
Senior executives (3 persons) 21,100 W No participant in the category may be offered more than 20,000 W Senior executives (2 persons) 30,000 W
Other employees (about 12 persons) 37,200 W No participant in the category may be offered more than 12,000 W Other employees (11 persons) 44,000 W
TOTAL 74,000 W 74,000 W

For full terms and conditions, please refer to the minutes of the AGM on the company's website.