Environmental responsibility
Alcadon strives to conduct its operations with as little environmental impact as possible. Both as companies and individuals, we all have a great responsibility for our common environment. Therefore, we are constantly working to improve our practices relating to environmental issues and quality.
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Most of our impact on the environment derives from the transport of goods, energy consumption, waste and packaging. We are working actively to minimize our impact on the environment in all of the said areas. The environmental impact is also taken into account in the selection of passenger modes of transport and electricity suppliers. Alcadon’s Environmental Policy states that environmental commitments shall be a natural part of our daily work and go beyond the minimum levels specified in laws and regulations.
In terms of the environment, our work shall be characterized by continuous environmental improvements, further developed environmental management, and an active integration of environmental aspects.
The highest decision-making body within the company in relation to environmental matters is the Environmental Council. The Environmental Council consists of management representatives from several contries, including the Sustainability Manager and the President. The Council’s decisions apply to all companies within the Group and govern the work at the branches and sales offices that have daily customer contact.
The Sustainability Manager’s role is to enhance the coordination and integration within the operations and with our suppliers. Our sustainability efforts include projects and activities that relate to all operations in the different companies. To achieve harmonization and standardization of our quality management in the long term, an integration is underway as part of our business development.
By offering training and webinars to our customers, we can ensure the quality of the installations where our products are used. The majority of our customers have undergone our licensing training for installers. This means that after completing the training the customer can in turn offer a 15-year guarantee on the installation.
To ensure the sustainability and performance of the networks, the measured values of the installations are reviewed by experts at Alcadon. After approval, a guarantee card and construction certificate are issued.
During 2022, Alcadon was awarded bronze in EcoVadis’s annual international rating. This rating is somewhat lower than the rating in 2021, when we were awarded silver. The downgrading is mainly due to a shortcoming in our communicative documentation. Our sustainability efforts, just as our operations, are constantly developing, and to us, this is an opportunity to make improvements. We strive to increase our rating again next year. Nevertheless, our current rating places Alcadon among the top 33 percent in the world in terms of sustainability management in our industry.
EcoVadis is an independent analysis company that annually examines and assesses companies’ sustainability management. The assessment is based on 21 criteria in four different areas: environment, fair working conditions, business ethics, and the supply chain. They rate 150 purchasing categories in 110 countries, and the method is based on international CSR standards including the Global Reporting Initiative, the UN Global Compact and ISO 26000.
Alcadon continues to expand and spread across the European market. In 2021, Networks Centre Holding Company Ltd., a professional distributor of products and complete systems for network infrastructure in the United Kingdom, was acquired along with its subsidiaries.
”With the acquisition of Networks Centre, Alcadon Group is establishing itself in one of the largest and fastest growing markets in network infrastructure in the World: the United Kingdom. In addition, Networks Centre has in a short amount of time successfully launched operations in the Netherlands, where it currently has a strong base in the data center segment that complements Alcadon’s current operations in the Benelux region very well.
Today, Networks Centre has a very strong position in the United Kingdom, not only in the commercial networks and data center segments—it is also one of few operators to successfully establish itself as a well-known player in the UK broadband rollout with a complete fiber network offering. The company enjoys an excellent reputation among customers and suppliers alike, and we look forward to working together.
With overlapping and complementary product portfolios, similar strategy and values, a solid system-solution mindset, and good supplier relations, everything indicates that Networks Centre and Alcadon Group will be able to make significant contributions to each other’s development.”
Sonny Mirborn,
Group Chief Executive Officer, Alcadon Group AB
All material we use will sooner or later become waste in some form. For packaging that arrives in Sweden in connection with the import of goods, we take our responsibility as a producer by being affiliated to FTI. With regard to packaging materials purchased in Sweden, we have agreements with suppliers where a return fee for recycling is included. When it comes to handling waste from our own operations, we have an agreement with PreZero for transport and further handling in approved forms. We submit paper for recycling at all our offices, and pack our orders in recycled boxes.
Even the cable drums that are delivered to our warehouses are reused as far as possible. If a drum is too damaged, it is submitted for recycling.
Alcadon in Norway received certification according to Eco-Lighthouse for all its offices in 2022. This not only entails source separation of waste but also translates into an obligation to work actively to reduce the carbon footprint of the offices. The certificate is renewed through an annual review.
Eco-Lighthouse is an independent third party that offers sustainability training, guidance and certification of Norwegian companies. The certification scheme is based on 72 industry-specific sets of criteria, divided into 14 groups classified in accordance with the Norwegian Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). The certification system is recognized by the European Commission, and the Norwegian government regards it as complementary to ISO-14001 and EMAS certification. Eco-Lighthouse is certified in accordance with the ISO-9001:2015 standard.
The energy crisis in Sweden has made it more important than ever to reduce energy consumption, which has prompted Alcadon to explore new ways of doing this. Even something as simple as turning off the light when you leave for the day can make a difference. An established goal that we continue to work on is to increase the use of computers and appropriate software to reduce paper use when we, for example, disseminate information to personnel, customers and suppliers. This includes that we have started to replace the physical data sheets and instructions that come with our products with digital QR codes on the inside of the packaging. This makes it simple for our customers to access the information directly on their phones or tablets, while we benefit the environment and save energy and time. The companies use low-energy lightbulbs in the light fixtures where this is possible, and it is clear that the office in Oslo has consumed less electricity in 2022 than in 2021. At our central warehouse in Stockholm, we are comparing the pros and cons of switching from laser printers to inkjet printers. In an article published in 2020, HP claims that an inkjet printer consumes 50 percent less energy than an equivalent laser printer and requires considerable less consumables.
Alcadon’s products shall be manufactured from recyclable materials or recycled materials, where possible. An objective for the companies is to phase out any products that are not manufactured in an environmentally friendly manner or contain environmentally harmful substances from the operations. To meet current and future environmental requirements, we certify products that we consider important for our and our customers’ businesses. This is done through the various services that are currently available, including Byggvarubedömningen, Sunda Hus and the Nordic Swan. Through these services, our customers can obtain information about our products, which are then checked from an environmental perspective.
During 2022, we released our new combined cabinet. Alcadon’s aim was to develop a new, cost-efficient, installation friendly and aestethically pleasing combination
cabinet—a cabinet with the installer in mind. The ambition was also to minimize the carbon footprint from production. By manufacturing in Sweden, we are in control and reduce shipments and emissions. The white powder coating, for example, complies with the European directives and is one of few powder coatings that are environmentally assessed by Byggvarubedömningen. Our new DC Line combination cabinet was designed in consultation with some of the leading installers in Sweden to develop a well thought out and installation friendly high-quality cabinet.
We are affiliated with FTI, the Swedish business sector’s solution to handle the producer responsibility for packaging made of plastic, metal, paper/cardboard and corrugated board. FTI’s task is to offer all companies access to the nationwide recycling system for packaging. Through our affilitation with FTI, we meet the requirements placed on us in the Swedish Packaging Ordinance. We work continuously to ensure environmentally friendly handling of packaging. As previously mentioned on page 15, we have started to work towards replacing our manuals and product data sheets with QR codes to reduce unnecessary consumption of paper in connection with the use of our products.
We are also a member of El-Kretsen, which is the Swedish business sector’s service company tasked with fulfilling the producer responsibility with regard to electrical and electronic products and batteries. The WEEE directive and the legislation that regulates producer responsibility form the basis for El-Kretsen’s activities. The supervisory authority responsible for supervising compliance with the regulation is the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
The companies are also certified by El-Kretsen. The certificate provides employees and customers a guarantee that the companies’ products are properly recovered and recycled and ensures our commitment to do what we can to protect the earth’s resources.
One of the companies’ environmental objectives is to exert influence on our major suppliers to take environmental aspects into account in their production and operations at all times. Our means to achieve this is to request the supplier to read and approve our Code of Conduct, which imposes requirements relating to, among other things, environmental impact and other aspects of the ESG.
An established goal is to always consider environmental aspects when purchasing products used in the business, everything from vehicles and fuels to copy paper and pens. This has brought with it a transition to more environmentally adapted products. Compliance with the requirements is a must and is a topic of discussion during staff meetings.
As a producer, we are obliged to take care of our electronic products and ensure that they are recycled, and that the waste is handled correctly so that it can be recycled. Alcadon is a member of El-Kretsen, which has an approved recycling system for such products.
Alcadon contributes to reduced environmental impact by promoting the transition from copper to fiber installations. The copper switch off is positive for the environment, society, consumers and telecommunications. Studies show that the transition from copper to fiber installations enables significant environmental, social and economic benefits.
- Reduced carbon dioxide emissions and greater energy efficiency: fiber networks emit 88 percent less greenhouse gas emissions per Gigabit compared to older technology.
- Economic upswing: full FTTP expansion has a positive effect on the employment rate and leads to improved conditions for new start-ups.
- Reliability: fiber is 70–80 percent more reliable than copper, which significantly reduces operating costs, such as maintenance and repairs.10)
Alcadon buys, and consequently transports, a large part of its goods from places outside Sweden. This negative impact on the climate is inevitable for our business, so we do what we can to reduce it as much as possible:
- We continuously evaluate our selection of carriers and modes of transport, and choose, as far as possible, the means of transport that have the least impact on the climate.
- Fully loaded transports. We try, as far as possible, to fully load the transports during export and import, in part to streamline, but also to reduce the number of transports and thereby also our CO2 emissions.
- Use of the best possible fuel and reduced fuel consumption; one of the environmental objectives established for the business prescribes the use of the best possible fuel and requires measures to reduce fuel consumption.
- Environmental information to employees, customers and suppliers; all employees shall be aware of the company’s environmental objectives. This shall be followed up regularly at staff meetings, where also new information is given. By means of oral and written communication, our customers are kept informed about our continuous environmental management. We maintain a permanent dialogue with our suppliers about measures to reduce environmental impact.
Responsible for ESG and environmental matters at Alcadon Group AB is Sonny Mirborn smi@alca.se