Alcadon Group Q1 2024 Report

>> Alcadon Group Q1 report web presentation (Swedish speech and English presentation material)


Alcadon Group Q4 Report

>> Alcadon Group Q4 report web presentation (Swedish speech and English presentation material)


Our CEO Sonny Mirborn reflecting on our latest acquisition of Wood Communications and on the Network Infrastructure industry today.


Alcadon Group Capital Markets Day, 29 September 2022

1. Introduction – Finn Jepsen

2. Alcadon Group: Introduction, Business Model and Industry

3. System and Product offer FTTx

4. System and Product offer Commercial Properties

5. The Alcadon Way

6. Strategy and Acquisitions

7. Deep dive of Geographic Markets

8. Financial targets over a business cycle and Vision 2025

Sonny Mirborn CEO, Alcadon Group AB
Alcadon – Pareto Securities’ TechIT Conference 30 March 2022


Sonny Mirborn CEO, Alcadon Group AB
Alcadon – ABGSC Investor Day 7 December 2021


SEB – 31 Maj – 5 minutes on Alcadon Group

Alcadon – Company presentation with CEO Sonny Mirborn

Alcadon – ABGSC Investor Day 26 May 2021

Alcadon Group – ABGSC Investor Day 2 Dec 2020

Our CEO describing Alcadon Group’s Q2 2020 performance in an interview with SEB (English).


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