Interim report 1 January – 30 September 2024

Some growth for the quarter driven by Sweden and the acquisition in Ireland but weighed down by our smaller regions

• Net sales increased by 2.3 percent to SEK 390 (381) million. In unchanged currency rates, sales increased by 2.1 percent.
• Operating profit before amortisation of intangible assets (EBITA) decreased by -36 percent to SEK 18 (28) million including SEK -2.5 (5.1) million attributable to unrealised exchange rate gains and losses.
• Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 14 (60) million, corresponding to SEK 0.59 (2.77) per share.
• Earnings per share amount to SEK 0.22 (0.63).
• The equity ratio increased during the period to 50 percent from 49 percent.

• Net sales increased by 6.4 percent to SEK 1,215 (1,141) million. In unchanged currency rates, sales increased by 6.2 percent.
• Operating profit before amortisation of intangible assets (EBITA) increased by 3 percent to SEK 70 (67) million including SEK -2.3 (0.0) million in acquisition costs and SEK -8.5 (-8.2) million attributable to unrealised exchange rate gains and losses.
• Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 87 (96) million, corresponding to SEK 3.66 (4.47) per share.
• Earnings per share amount to SEK 1.27 (1.08).
• The equity ratio increased during the period to 50 percent from 44 percent.

Quarter 3 January – September Full year
    2024 2023   2024 2023   2023
Net sales. MSEK   390.4 381.4   1,214.8 1,141.3   1,572.8
Gross margin. %   24.4 23.8   25.2 24.7   24.4
EBITA. MSEK   18.0 28.0   69.5 67.5   106.8
EBITA. %   4.6 7.3   5.7 5.9   6.8
Profit or loss for the period. MSEK   5.4 13.7   30.0 23.1   37.9
Earnings per share. SEK   0.22 0.63   1.27 1.08   1.76

• The Extraordinary General Meeting on 4 July 2024, with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, resolves on a directed new issue of 200,000 warrants, with the accompanying right to subscribe for a maximum of 200,000 new shares, within the framework of an incentive programme for the incoming CEO, Fredrik Valentin.
• President and CEO Sonny Mirborn leaves Alcadon at the end of September as previously communicated.

• Pierre Fors takes up the position of acting President and CEO on 1 October and at the same time steps down as Chairman of the Board. Pierre will hold this position until Fredrik Valentin, who has been appointed as the new President and CEO, takes office in January 2025 at the latest. Pierre Fors will remain a member of the Board during this period. The Board of Directors has decided to appoint Jonas Mårtensson, Vice Chairman, as Chairman of the Board for the period until Fredrik Valentin takes up his position. The Board then intends to reappoint Pierre Fors as Chairman of the Board.